Reari at a glance
During the NAFSA 2011 Conference in Vancouver, Canada, only 2 Higher Education Institutions of the State of Rio de Janeiro were present at the Brazilian stand at the International Fair, namely UERJ and PUC-Rio.
After the conclusion of this Conference and return to Brazil, the first meeting of the international advisors of these HEIs was held at the Maracanã campus of UERJ when they then decided to create a network. Therefore, REARI-RJ was born during this meeting.
On August 16, 2011, the first REARI-RJ Forum took place on the campus of UFRRJ, where about 100 HEIs from Rio de Janeiro attended it and where 11 HEIs signed a document assuming the commitment of formation of the Network and therefore they were designated the founders of REARI-RJ. This is a pioneer kind of network in Brazil.

REARI-RJ has as its vocation the untiring search for the improvement of international cooperation through teaching, research, and outreach activities, acting in favor of the management of the international cooperation actions of the HEIs in the State of Rio de Janeiro, as well as in the promotion of Rio de Janeiro as an international destination for students and researchers.
It is important to emphasize the active participation of the female gender in the conduction of international cooperation actions and insertion of REARI-RJ in the world context. The creation of REARI-RJ proved to be innovative, since it was presented in a systematically organized way as a network, sharing efforts to strengthen the capacities and expertise existing in the region in the field of international cooperation.
In the Brazilian context, REARI-RJ is a pioneer in Brazil in the field of International Relations.
Consequently, its success has made this model reproduced in other national states, as in the case of Minas Gerais (UniMinas), in addition to the newly created Goian Network of International Education (RGEI), and the Network of Pontifical Catholic Universities in Brazil (PUC-BR.)
June 2011
Birth of the idea of creating a network of international advisors of HEIs in the State of Rio de Janeiro. First meeting to create REARI-RJ.
August 2011
April 2013
Signing of the REARI-RJ Statute by the rectors of the Founding Institutions at the headquarters of the government of the State of Rio de Janeiro.
December 2013
First election for the presidency of REARI-RJ for the 2014-2015 biennium, when Prof. Cristina Russi Guimarães Furtado (UERJ) was elected as President, Dr. Vitor Amaral (UFRJ) as Vice-President, and Mrs. Andreia Vieira (UERJ) as Secretary.
December 2015
Second election for the presidency of REARI-RJ for the biennium 2016-2017, when Prof. Cristina Russi Guimarães Furtado (UERJ) and the secretary Mrs. Andreia Vieira were reappointed to their positions, and Prof. Angela Norte (CEFET) assumed the Vice-Presidency.
December 2017
The third election for the presidency of REARI-RJ took place for the 2018-2019 biennium where Prof. Cristina Russi Guimarães Furtado (UERJ), Prof. Angela Norte (CEFET/RJ), and Mrs. Andreia Vieira (UERJ) were reconducted to the positions of President, Vice-President, and Secretary.
December 2019
The fourth election to REARI-RJ presidency, for the biennium 2020-2021 was elected to President the Prof. Livia Maria de Freitas Reis (UFF), to Vice-President the Prof. Angela Maria de Randolpho Paiva (PUC-Rio), and to Secretary the Ms. Priscilla Hoelz Pacheco (UFF).
December 2021
The fifth election to REARI-RJ presidency, for the biennium 2022-2023, reconducted Prof. Livia Reis (UFF), Prof. Angela Maria Paiva (PUC-Rio) and Dr. Priscilla Pacheco (UFF) to their positions as President, Vice-President, and Secretary.