REARI Institution

The Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (Unirio) is a public law foundation that is part of the Federal Higher Education System. It originated from the Federação das Escolas Federais Isoladas do Estado da Guanabara (FEFIEG).
Unirio offers undergraduate and graduate programs in the most diverse areas of knowledge, aiming to train citizens with knowledge and critical reflection to contribute to the transformation of society, through solutions that promote sustainable development. The entire teaching of the university is focused on the search, production, and socialization of knowledge and techniques, being used as an educational resource for ethical, scientific, and cultural training.

Undergraduate mobility

Graduate mobility

Portuguese for foreigners

Main Areas
Arts; History; Information Sciences; Library Sciences; Music; Theatre Studies; Medicine (University Hospital).
Useful links
Contact Information
President: Prof. José da Costa Filho
International Relations Representative: Prof. Vanessa Teixeira de Oliveira
International Relations Office
Av. Rio Branco, 135 – 13º andar, sala 1309 – Centro
Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil