REARI Institution

The Instituto Militar de Engenharia (IME) is an educational institution responsible, within the scope of the Brazilian Army, for higher education in engineering and basic research.
It offers undergraduate programs, graduate programs, and university extension courses both for the military and for civilians. It is part of the Army’s Science and Technology System, cooperating with other institutions, through the provision of services and the execution of activities of a technical-scientific nature. The Institute cooperates, through education and research, also for the country’s scientific-technological development.

Undergraduate mobility

Graduate mobility

Main Area
Useful links
Contact Information
Commander: Brig. Gen. Military Engineer Juraci Ferreira Galdino
International Relations Representative: Major Aderson Campos Passos
International Cooperation Office
Praça General Tibúrcio, 80 – Praia Vermelha
Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil