REARI Institution
Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica Celso Suckow da Fonseca

Cefet/RJ works on teaching, research, and extension, and it aims to contribute to the training of professionals for the economic and social development of mesoregions in the state of Rio de Janeiro. Since the expansion of the federal technical and technological education network, the institution has had the Maracanã main campus and seven more campuses throughout the state, which are in: Angra dos Reis, Itaguaí, Maria da Graça, Nova Friburgo, Nova Iguaçu, Petrópolis, and Valença.

Undergraduate mobility

Graduate mobility

Main Areas
Business Administration; Tourism (Undergraduate only); Information Systems; Physics (Undergraduate only); Environmental Management (Undergraduate only); Teaching (Mathematics and Physics) (Undergraduate only); Philosophy (Graduate only); Language For Business (Undergraduate only).
Life at CEFET/RJ
- Laboratories
- Libraries
- University Restaurant (Bandejão)
- Inclusion and Accessibility Office
- FRANMOBE program (French for Student Mobility)
- Sports Club: Volleyball, Basketball, Tug of war, Indoor Soccer, Handball, Jiu-jitsu, and capoeira
Useful links
Contact Information
Director-General: Prof. Mauricio Saldanha Motta
International Relations Representative: Alessandra Cristina Bittencourt Alcântara
Advisory Services for Agreements and International Relations
Avenida Maracanã, 229 – Maracanã
Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil